Karma Project
Change the world with us!
Right now, millions of people on the planet don’t have access clean and safe drinking water. Together we can do something to change this!
If you already have clean water, it can be a little hard to understand just how dire the water crisis really is. Think about how often you use water in a typical day. A morning shower. A cool drink. Washing the dishes. Even making coffee requires water.
Now, imagine turning on the tap and rather than clean, cool water, mud comes out. Or worse yet, nothing at all. Imagine how difficult and time-consuming each daily task would become.
This is a daily reality for 663 million people around the world. That’s almost one in ten of us. Except they don’t even have taps, they have to walk—sometimes three or four hours a day—to gather dirty water and bring it home in heavy Jerry Cans. Then they have to carefully choose the most essential uses for the little water they have.

So, how do you make a difference?
To learn more visit charitywater.org
1% of every purchase you make of Lottus Life products goes directly to support charity:water.
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in 24 developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. 100% of all public donations directly fund water project costs. charity: water understands transparency is very important in building trust, and for that reason, they prove every donated dollar using photos and GPS coordinates on Google Maps for every project.
charity: water doesn't use a single penny from donations to cover overhead. Their operating costs are separately funded by generous private donors.
Clean water is a basic human right, so we set out to support charity: water to solve the water crisis.
Thank you for being part of the solution!